This time I want to give a shout out to my beautiful friend who is a makeup artist/aesthetician and the owner of Casa Salon. She is the one who makes sure my eyes look beautiful ;).
So living back home I used to have my lashes done every third week. I drove all the way to another town to make myself pretty ;). Why? Well, simply because, you who know me, I´m very blond. I don´t have any color on my lashes or my eyebrows. Also when you do what I do, you don´t wear makeup to work, only when you go out. That´s why this is a good option for me.
In the beginning of my time on the island, I used to get my lashes done for a lot. The girl who did them at that time was not that good. So when Inna offered to do my lashes, I of course wanted to give it a try. And I have been absolutely satisfied :). Inna has now been taking care of me for a few months now, and I am really happy with the results.
As I said, these can stay on for 3 to 4 weeks depending how they´re being taken care of. At first it can be difficult to get used to them. You have to remember not to rub your eyes the same way as before. The first few days you should also not use water on your eyes just for giving the glue time to dry. I personally, don´t use water most of the time on them at all. Instead, I clean my face with facial wipes and makeup remover. Other then that, you really don´t have to do much, except brush them once in awhile to keep them looking nice.
For that, you can use your old mascara brush.
People usually ask if you need to use any mascara. And the answer is NO! That´s the reason you have these lashes.
For me it´s also important that they look as real as possible. I don´t want them to be too long or too curly. With that been said, there are different lengths that you can choose from. Inna understands me though, and knows exactly which fits me and my face the best. That´s why she is a professional :).
A lot of people may think that this is a waste of money etc etc. But we all have our own way of taking care of ourselves so we feel beautiful. Some of us go to the hairdresser once a month and some of us go get a facial. This is my way. And believe me, if I was dark and beautiful with long lashes and a perfect brown color on my skin I wouldn´t do this either, lol :). We all have our own ways.
So if you are excited to try this on, I would warmly recommend The Casa Salon!! <3 Go and check out their services from the link above and give them a call!:)
Thank you Inna, love you! <3
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