As I told you, I finished my 365 day challenge for 2015. Somehow a challenge like that inspires me :). Now I know I have maintained dedication enough to keep doing what I promise to do. I am such a stubborn person when it comes to things like this, that there was no other way but to finish with what I started.
Because I was concentrating more on my legs last year, I now think it´s time to put some work on the upper body. As we all know, women were not built with a strong upper body like men. Our meaning in life is to carry children and that is why our lower body is meant to be stronger.
This is why we usually see and hear women struggle with their pull ups or push ups for example. Especially in the world of Crossfit we see it all the time. I remember exactly how hard I had to work to get my first pull up. The struggle was real and so frustrating! But once I got my first one I wanted to work on to get some more. Do I like to do them? No. Do I do them? Yes. You just have to keep on working on your weakness, whether you like it or not.
Pull ups and push ups are my weaknesses. Both movements are hard and something I just don´t like to do. Well, then I just have to work on them then I guess :).
So for this year my new challenge is going to be Pull ups! For the next 365 days I will do 5 strict pull ups every day. If it for some reason isn´t possible to do them, no rig etc, I will do 20 push ups instead. During the year I will spice up both the pull ups and the push ups with weights.
The meaning of this challenge is simple, to get a stronger upper body and to be able to do more unbroken repetitions in the work outs. And just to overcome the fact, that pull ups are not that repulsive after all :).
So who is with me?:) Did you get inspired to try this out? And no one says that you have to keep up with it for all 365 days. Make a challenge that fits you, a challenge you know you can handle. Make your own mile marks step by step :).
Please let me know if you made your own challenge for this year, I am super interested to know :). We're two days in already. Have fun with it and good luck!